Saturday, July 21, 2012

Check out how your mails are classified as spam.....!!!!!!

We all are aware of the spam mails.. Some times not only the real spams but also there are chances of your mails sent getting dropped into spam floders..!!
To know the reason, check out how the spam filters work..?
When ever you send a mail it passes all through the cyberspace and reaches the spam filters before getting delivered to the desired users of u.

understand how they work:
Generally speaking, spam filters look at a long list of criteria to judge whether or not your email is junk.
For example, they might look for spammy phrases like "CLICK HERE!" or "FREE! BUY NOW!". They'll assign points each timethey see one of those phrases.
Certain criteria get more points than others.

Here's a sample of criteria from Spam Assassin ,One of the most popular spam filters out there:
  • Talks about lots of money (.193 points)
  • Describes some sort of breakthrough (.232 points)
  • Looks like mortgage pitch (.297 points)
  • Contains urgent matter (.288 points)
  • Money back guarantee (2.051 points)
  • Why Pay More? (1.249 points)

I think You're probably going to ask "what's the threshold to stay under?" Sorry, but the threshold is different for everyserver. It's determined by the person who installed the spamfilter software. If the person is really sick of spam, they'll set the threshold extremely low. Just about anything will get spam filtered then..!!
Avoid these common mistakes to prevent ur mails get dropped in junk folder: These are the most common mistakes we see new email marketers make, which result in accidental spam filtering.
*. Using spammy phrases, like "Click here!" or "Once in a lifetime opportunity!"
*. Going crazy with exclamation points!!!!!!
*. USING ALL CAPS, WHICH IS LIKE YELLING IN EMAIL (especially in the subject)
*. Coloring their fonts bright red, or green
*. Creating an HTML email that's nothing but one bigimage, with little or no text (since spam filters can't read images, they assume you're a spammerthat's trying to trick 'em).
*. Using the word "Test" in the subject line (agencies run into this all the time, when sending drafts to clients for approval)
*. Sending a test to multiple recipients within the samecompany (that company's email firewall can only assume it's a spam attack)
*. Designing HTML email in Microsoft Word, and exporting the code to HTML (that code is sloppy, and spam filters hate it)

if u feel this informative please share your reaction and comment ..!!! :) 

Top 5 Cool Facebook Tips and Tricks....!!!!!

Facebook isn’t just status updates anymore. There’s a ton more to discover including basic tips that’ll make you go “Whoa, I can do that?” Yep, you sure can. And, you don’t have to have any fancy programming skills – any of these tricks or tips are super easy and kinda fun.
1. How to hide an status update from an annoying friend Of course, you love your dear friend, just not their annoying 24/7 status updates that are unfunny and basically a waste of your time. That’s fine. They don’t have to know you’ve just shut them down – Facebook allows users to hide status updates from certain people with a click of the button and they’ll never, ever know. Presto-bingo! To get started: Log into your Facebook account Find the “What’s on your mind” dialogue box on the Facebook dashboard (the first page you see when you log into your account) Click on the padlock icon Find the dropdown menu and select “customize” Click “hide from” and select the appropriate friend...
2. How to pre-schedule your status updates We understand. You’re a totally busy, popular, amazingly connected guy or gal on the go and that’s cool with us. Schedule your status updates on the go with useful social media management tools. Yep, they exist! Consider trying: SocialOomph Sendible HootSuite All of those websites can really help you achieve some great timed Status Updates. Best part: it’s free! Just sign in with Facebook Connect, and fill out your time zone, the status update, and when it should be posted.
3. How to tag your friends in your status updates There have been a bunch of searches on the question “how can I make someone’s name go blue in a Facebook status?” so let’s discuss this together – first, super easy. Second, if you’re a Twitter fan, this will be second nature (if you aren’t, it’s easy as pie). Log into your Facebook account Type your thought into the Facebook dialogue box Now, tag a friend. Use the @ symbol and select from an automatically generated list of friends. Continue to type the person’s name until s/he appears. Select the person’s name once it appears Click “Share”
4. How to add cool symbols to your Facebook status update Sure, the old :) standby is a classic. Perhaps even :-D is a great option to show a little more excitement. And, if you’re really cool, hey, the 8-) screams awesome… if you’re still living in 2008. Add a little flair to your status update with cooler emoticons. Here are some easy ways to do symbols on Facebook: Facebook Symbols Statuses that use Symbols Popular Facebook Symbols Facebook Chat Emoticons Mobile Symbols: If you have an iPhone,iPod, iPad, or Android try our Funny Status Updates for Facebook app, it features over 3,000+ funny status updates and 800 symbols plus tons of other goodies..
SOURCE: Internet.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Trailer - 2012 Batman 3 Movie

Abraham Lincoln's Ghost Train....!!!!!

One of the most persistent legends surrounding the death of President Abraham Lincoln is the annual appearance of Lincoln's "Ghost Train."

The train is seen all along the route that the slain President’s body took on its way from Washington, D.C. to Springfield Illinois. Although some parts of the story differ from place to place, the consistencies between the sightings are remarkable. Original Route of Lincoln’s Funeral Train

According to historian R.J. Norton, on the website "Abraham Lincoln's Assassination," Lincoln’s funeral coach left on April 21, 1865 from the Baltimore and Ohio Depot in Washington D.C. It would run from there through to Springfield, Illinois, stopping at most major cities and many smaller ones so citizens could pay their last respects. At each stop, the President lay in state while thousands of mourners filed past the coffin.

There were so many people who wanted to view the great American leader that several additional stops had to be added along the way. By May 2, the body had become so badly discolored that the crowds were becoming upset at the sight. On May 3, President Lincoln arrived in Springfield for the final time.

First Sightings of the Ghost Train: Even before the first anniversary of Lincoln’s death, the first reports of the Ghost Train began to trickle into the public's collective conscience. These stories seem to have originated in the Hudson River Valley. Every year since, at the end of April during the anniversary of the first funeral trip, people all along the trains’ original route report seeing an odd sight: an eerie spectral train passing silently along the tracks.

Description of Lincoln’s Spectral Train: While descriptions vary, there are striking similarities in the story told. The train is easily identified by a bluish light that seems to emanate from it. Those waiting by the tracks report that the train makes no noise at all, although some witnesses have reported hearing an old-fashioned train whistle. Witnesses describe the train as containing a skeleton band, all in blue Union uniforms, who are playing music that no one can hear. On the second car of the train is the President’s coffin, draped in a flag and surrounded by black crepe. A skeletal honor guard dressed in both Union and Confederate uniforms, stands at attention around the coffin.

As the train passes, the air beside the tracks becomes still and warm, no matter how cool it might have been just moments before. Clocks stop for six minutes as the train passes, and all other trains run six minutes slow for the rest of the night. Crossing gates are reported to malfunction, going up and down of their own accord, as if an invisible train was passing through.

Encounters with Other Haunted Trains: According to the Spectral Review, while passing along busy tracks, the Ghost Train will occasionally encounter a real train. The real train disappears as it runs through the Ghost Train and for that period of time, the real train is said to be silent as well. Abraham Lincoln’s ghost is said to appear at a number of other locations, including the White House and at President Lincoln's tomb in Springfield, one of many haunted places in Illinois.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Intetrest Info about our Indian Coins.....!!!!!!!!

Indian coins are mainly produced in 4 cities : 1. Delhi
2. Mumbai
3. Hyderabad
4. Kolkata
The production in city puts an identification mark under the year of issue. Coins produced in:
1. Delhi – have a dot
2. Mumbai – have a diamond
3. Hyderabad – have a star
4. Kolkata – Nothing beneath the year
Isn’t it amazing? Most of us don’t know this……..Now put your hand inside your pocket/ wallet/ purse and check out!!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Steve Jobs VS Bill Gates

Eureka! Cern announces discovery of Higgs boson 'God particle' ........!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Higgs boson particle, sometimes called the Brut-Englert-Higgs boson... The name boson is derived from the surname of the Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose, a contemporary of the German physicist Albert Einstein. The “God particle” the other name for Higgs boson particle is a hypothetical elementary particle, a boson, that is the quantum of the Higgs field. The field and the particle provide a testable hypothesis for the origin of mass in elementary particles. In popular culture, the Higgs boson is also called the God particle, a name disliked by many scientists, after the title of Nobel physicist Leon Lederman’s The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question? (1993), which contained the author’s assertion that the discovery of the particle is crucial to a final understanding of the structure of matter. The “God particle” nickname actually arose when the book The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question? by Leon Lederman was published. Since then, it’s taken on a life of its own, in part because of the monumental questions about matter that the God particle might be able to answer. The man who first proposed the Higgs boson’s existence, Peter Higgs, isn’t all that amused by the nickname “God particle,” as he’s an avowed atheist. All the same, there isn’t really any religious intention behind the nickname. Mass : 125.3±0.6 GeV/c2[2], ∼126.5 GeV/c2[3] Electric charge : Spin : 0