Saturday, November 27, 2010

WaNt To KnOw who is the richest hero then here it go's......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rajni's sivaji beat several records, it was a mega budget project, also RajniKanth bags the amount of Rs 20 Crore plus from that film alone, for that he gave the callsheet of only 100 days, it is not a matter here.

for kuselan his salary would be more than he earns from sivaji, this is the point here to take a deep breath,
Whether Rajni's per day salary beat's Mukesh Ambani's Salary due to Kuselan's salary to rajni??? this is the question to mark here..

Here is some little calculation how he beats mukesh ambani..

Rajni breaks his own record for a star who bags higher salary in India, no one in india collects this much of huge salary, but he never wantedly need that all because of his star value.
Some of them in Kollywood murmering that Rajni's salry in Kuselan is about Rs. 23 crores,
also one thing we have to make a mark here is Rajni only gave 15 days callsheet for his portion of shooting in kuselan.

For 2007-2008 Mukesh Ambani's Single man Salary calculated to be Rs. 44 Crores per annum (10.67176 million U.S. dollars), if we diveded this into 365 for per day salary, it would touch Rs 44crore/365 gives Rs. 12 Lakhs(aprox) ($30317.5) per day

For Rajni Kanth, Kuselan Salary is Rs. 23 Crore (5.57842 million U.S. dollars) if we calculate it for one day it would be nearer to Rs.2 Crore 53 Lakhs..($606350) ( Bravo )..For this 15 Days. So in this 15 days he ears Rs. 2 Crore 53 Lakhs per day.

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